Monday, February 10, 2014

Haatiban Resort

It's always nice to get out of the city a bit; this weekend we tried out Haatiban Resort. It was about a 40 minute ride to the bottom of the road, then about an hour and 15 minute hike up the hill (more like 45 without the extra weight and hold-up factor of a baby and toddler).
picture by Molly

At the top of the climb we put our bags in our rooms and quickly made for the outdoor seating at the restaurant to have drinks, play cards, let the kids nap and watch the cloud cover burn off to give us some great mountain views.
From this point we could see the whole Kathmandu valley and had fun trying to guess which building was what.
We stayed one night (sleeping in a "king bed", really 2 twins pushed together) and in the morning had a sub-par breakfast made entirely enjoyable by the views and company.
Overall it was a nice trip and the ease of getting there was great, but the service wasn't good nor was the food. Namo buddha is still our favorite getaway, hopefully we make it out there again soon.

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