flickr page is updated**
go for 13. or 33. we decided to head over to bangkok for thanksgiving with a couple of teachers from school and had an amazing time. we were actually there for more than three, but it was three full days. we got in wednesday night at 11pm and then left our hotel at 10am on sunday. our trip was amazing, but way too short. it took us a day to get acquainted with the city and then we had two full days to try and relax, site see, have drinks, eat, listen to music, and visit as many markets as we could. next time we plan on going for a few extra days and getting out of the city. when you go (not if, when), please please please buy
nancy chandler's map as soon as you get there. we didn't have it the first day and the people we were with weren't sure where we were going, so we spent a few hours walking around looking for temples and getting harassed by the ever so nice tuk tuk drivers. alright. here are too many pictures and if you want to see even more, click on the flickr link at the bottom of the pictures.
(click to enlarge)
instead of a bible in the drawer, we found a guide to southeast asia. i like it.
water taxi was crazy. wasn't sure what the plastic was for...
until the guy left and i looked over the side.
random temple while looking for the grand palace. (i'm assuming it is a temple)
i love naps and so does this guy. never pulled off the tree nap, but it is on the list.
these guys were allison's favorites. they came in all different sizes.
more grand palace. so much shiny gold. too bad i forgot my sunglasses.
more grand palace
allison's favorite picture of the day.
more of allison's favorite little guys.
fooling around with the color settings.
random statue
we always forget to take pictures of the two of us. not this trip. no sir.
my delicious bananas soaked in sugar for 48 hours to the point where you can't tell they are bananas.
largest lying buddha in the world at
wat pho.
so big.
getting my fill of good luck.
more palace.
vegetable soup for breakfast everyday!
i drove a
tuk tuk at 3:30am (yes, you read that correctly, i drove a tuk tuk.)
animals were kept in pretty small cages/tanks though.
we saw lots of turtles and quite a few bunnies, dogs, cats, and other buddies. it was pretty sad after the first few.
traffic was insane.
and by insane, i mean it was rush hour every hour.
we made it to
cabbages and condoms! they have some restaurants and resorts throughout the country that help promote social development programs.
they love their king. so much.
annnnnd, to top it all off, we were able to see leslie and bryce for 10 minutes. they had just landed at BKK and were heading to laos for a year or five. due to an hour wait at customs for them, we almost had to bail so we didn't miss our flight, but it all worked out.
best (and only) trip outside of taiwan so far. fun times. now we get to look forward to our trip home! we leave in 22 days and we're getting excited.
if those pics weren't enough for you (then you're crazy and you should just go visit bangkok), check out the rest of them at our
flickr account.