Travel and strollers just don't always go together very well. Many of the places we've visited/lived have had uneven roads, non-existant sidewalks and crowded areas that made stroller usage impractical, if not impossible (ramps and elevators no where in sight!). They are also often just another thing you have to cart around, send through x-ray security and maneuver when your hands are full. So, much of our travel thus far has involved babywearing (our baby, Tegan, is just about to turn 1 and we've lived and/or traveled in Taiwan, Thailand, Nepal, and the states with her).
When Tegan was little we used the baby bjorn a lot while out and about. She fit in it well, it was cooler than the moby wrap and easier to take on and off (we alternate carrying her depending on the situation). She hated slings and I used the moby a lot at home and around our town but found it bulky and time consuming for traveling.
As she got bigger, we've moved to the Ergo because it's better for baby's hips (they sit rather than hang) and I personally find it more confortable. Tegan didn't like this carrier until she was big enough to really sit in it, but they do have newborn inserts and our good friends used their Ergos practically from day one with much success. Sometimes she sits in front, sometimes on the back and occasionally when she's more antsy I put her on my hip.
In countries where everyone wants to touch and hold your baby, a carrier is a great way to hold off over eager admirers and help keep baby feeling safe.
We've recently added another carrier, for our longer hiking, the Osprey frame backpack. So far only Jeremiah has carried her in this one as it's a bit heavier.
I highly recommend babywearing, for anytime really, but especially as an alternative to strollers when traveling. I like having a variety, and Jeremiah and I each have different preferences, so the more the merrier in this house (I just bought a sling to try out with Tegan on my hip and I'm pretty sure she is going to love it).
Some tips:
-Practice at home first. Walk around, put it on and take it off, put the child in and take them out, do some chores, bend down, get stuff out of your pockets, etc. You'll get the hang of it and see what works for you.
-If you don't love it at first try again, or try a different style carrier. Everyone has a preference.
-If you go with a wrap style, you can pre-wrap it so you are ready to go when it's time to put your child in.
-Some airports will make you take the child out of the carrier when going through security, others won't.
-Many airlines will make you take baby out for take off and landing as it is safer to have them in a car seat or in your lap if you have a lap-seat ticket.
Any other babywearers out there have advice?
Wow!!! I found your blog from the Expats Blog website! You guys are amazing!!! I was in Nepal for 3 months 15 years ago + I think about it all the time! I think you are a very brave + amazing family to be having those experiences together!!!!